Thursday 28 May 2020

Yuya and Toya mummies .

Yuya and Toya mummies were discovered wearing cartoon gold-covered cartoon masks. Yuya was the father of Queen T, the wife of King Amenhotep the Third, and the husband of Toya. Yuya came from the town of Akhmim, where he is believed to have had a position in it and possessed property, as was a priest of the Egyptian god Maine, the main god in the region. Toya held important religious surnames, as well as the royal mother's title of the king's great wife.
In Luxor, I found the Yuya and Tuya Cemetery
Now in the Egyptian Museum
Very soon in the Grand Egyptian Museum.
 قناعى يويا وتويا
يويا وتويا
قناع يويا
قناع يويا
قناع تويا
تفاصيل الوجه - قناع تويا

The oldest preserved boat was discovered in Egypt and the world.

Under the shades of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest preserved boat was discovered in Egypt and the world. This boat dates back to the era of the Old Kingdom, and it was found in 1954 AD buried in a deep hole on the southern side of the pyramid, which is part of the funerary furniture of King Khufu, and its panels were made of cedar wood that was imported from the Levant due to the lack of good building wood In Egypt, those panels were tied together with ropes.
The ship was found loose. The museum was established in 1960 AD and opened to the public in 1982.
In ancient Egypt, ships and boats were of great religious and symbolic importance, as it is believed that the sun god Ra travelled every day through the sky in a boat. However, the true purpose of the Khufu boat is not known precisely, although it is believed to symbolize the process of the deceased king's transfer to the afterlife.
منظر عام
مركب خوفو

المجاديف الخاصة بالمركب
حفرة المركب مغطاة بالأحجار داخل المتحف
تفاصيل للمركب من الداخل
عُقد المركب
المركب من أسفل
عُقد أصلية استعملت لربط الأجزاء الرئيسية للمركب
الأحبال الأصلية التى عثر عليها مع المركب
صورة أرشيفية لأجزاء المركب

This colossal statue represents King Amenhotep .

This colossal statue represents King Amenhotep the Third and Queen T, and it is considered a collective statue of the family of King Amenhotep III and his royal wife T and his three daughters, and it is the largest collective statue carved.
Eighteenth Dynasty - The Modern State.
Material: limestone
Where to find: Luxor
Egyptian Museum.
تمثال أمنحتب الثالث وزوجته تى
تمثال أمنحتب الثالث وزوجته تى
تمثال أمنحتب الثالث وزوجته تى
تمثال أمنحتب الثالث وزوجته تى

The Narmer salad contains some early hieroglyphic inscriptions.

لوحة نعرمر
الوجه الأمامي للوحة
حامل الصندل الملكيالملك يسير في موكب النصرالوجه الخلفى للوحة

The painting depicts the event of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt during the reign of King Narmer.

On one side, the king is depicted with the white crown of Upper Egypt, in the Victory March. Under it, the necks of two legendary animals are intertwined, while they are bound by human figures. They are believed to represent Upper and Lower Egypt under the control of the king. On the other side, the king is depicted wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, about to strike the ruler of Lower Egypt, and this picture of the king who beats an enemy has become an icon of the ancient Egyptian monarchy, and it is still engraved on the last ancient Egyptian temples that were absolutely constructed.

The early era, the first dynasty, the era of Narmer (about 3100 BC)

Material: green schist.

Now in the Egyptian Museum

The tomb of Tutankhamun.

مقبرة توت عنخ آمون
12 قرد يمثلون ال12 ساعة الليلية
حجرة دفن توت عنخ آمون
الجدار الشمالى لحجرة الدفن
الملك توت والكا الخاصة به يحتضن أوزيرموكب الجنازةالملك توت عنخ آمون وخلفه أنوبيسالملك آى يقوم بطقسة فتح الفم للملك توت عنخ آمون

Royal Jewelry Museum.

The Royal Jewelry Museum held the extracts of the Egyptian royal family on Ali Pasha, which ruled Egypt for more than 150 years, starting in 1805 AD. The collections are displayed in the magnificent palace of Princess Fatima Al-Zahra from the descendants of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

Built-in 1919, the palace serves as an astonishing property backdrop.

متحف المجوهرات الملكية
مجموعة الساعات
ساعة جيب من الذهب للأمير "عمر طوسون"نظارة طبيةطقم من الذهب للملكة فريدة  مسطرين، ميداليتان من الذهب- الملك  فؤاد الأولمجموعة من مقتنيات الملك فاروقمجموعة من مقتنيات الأمير محمد عليكأس للملك فاروق شارة ملكية- الملك فاروق الأولأسورة من الذهب - الأميرة فوزية أحمد فؤادطقم الأميرة شويكارطقم الأميرة شويكارطقم الأميرة شويكارعشرة قطع اقلام لاسانان الرصاصتفاصيل أقلام الرصاصتفاصيل طقم مكتبتسع قطع تكون طقم مكتب داخل صندوق خشبساعة جيب دقاقةتفاصيل- سلسلة الساعةتفاصيل- ساعة جيبقطعتان عبارة عن ساعة جيب وسلسلة الساعةتفاصيل- حامل من الذهبتفاصيل- ساعة جيب برسوماتهاساعة جيب وحامل من الذهب ملك "عمر شيرين"ساعة جيب ذهب عليها إسم "قدرية"


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