Egypt came first, then history and civilization came. Egypt has one of the world's seven wonders of the pyramids. The Virgin Mary came to protect herself and her son. Egypt is the safest destination for tourism. My goal is to help foreigners learn my country’s history, come to Egypt, whatever your budget, and I will be your guide at no additional cost to you. booking with us. The goal is to service booking tours to Egypt. the best Nile cruise in Egypt.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
The oldest of full scorpions.
Model of a scorpion carved from serpentine. From Nekhen (”Hierakonpolis”), Egypt. Early Dynastic Period, First or Second Dynasty. ca. 3150 to 2686 BC. Now in the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford.
The preparation of lily perfume.
Tomb Chapel of Meryrenefer Qar.
Meryrenefer was an official probably during the reign of Pepi II. He was the “Overseer of the Pyramid Towns of Khufu and Menkaure”, the “Inspector of wab-priests of the Pyramid of Khafre” and “Tenant of the Pyramid of Pepi I. However, he is better known to us as Qar (or Kar). He was married to Gefi, who was a "Prophetess of Hathor”.
Mastaba of Qar tomb (G 7101). Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty, ca. 2494-2345 BC. Eastern Cemetery at Giza.
Pectoral of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys.
Looks at first glance to be presenting the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet, the symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt, standing on either side of Osiris. However, the hieroglyphic inscriptions beside them state that they are in fact Isis (next to the vulture) and Nephthys (next to the cobra).
From the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
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Another miracle of the ancient Egyptians Ben Ben's pyramid .. The Black Magnetic Pyramid. This pyramid, which has puzzled scie...
Abu Simbel, the site of the two temples built by the Egyptian king Ramses II (reigned 1279-13 BC), which is now located in Aswan Govern...