Egypt came first, then history and civilization came. Egypt has one of the world's seven wonders of the pyramids. The Virgin Mary came to protect herself and her son. Egypt is the safest destination for tourism. My goal is to help foreigners learn my country’s history, come to Egypt, whatever your budget, and I will be your guide at no additional cost to you. booking with us. The goal is to service booking tours to Egypt. the best Nile cruise in Egypt.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Ancient Egyptian paintings survived due to the extremely dry climate. The ancient Egyptians created paintings to make the afterlife of the deceased a pleasant place. Accordingly, beautiful paintings were created. The themes included journey through the afterworld or their protective deities introducing the deceased to the gods of the underworld. Some examples of such paintings are paintings of Osiris and Warriors.
Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old.
It emerged and took shape in ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Expressed in paintings and sculptures, it was highly symbolic and fascinating - this art form revolves round the past and was intended to keep history alive.
In a narrow sense, Ancient Egyptian art refers to the canonical 2D and 3D art developed in Egypt from 3000 BC and used until the 3rd century. It is to be noted that most elements of Egyptian art remained remarkably stable over the 3000 year period that represents the ancient civilization without strong outside influence. The same basic conventions and quality of observation started at a high level and remained near that level over the period.
Ancient Egyptian art forms are characterized by regularity and detailed depiction of human beings and
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