Sunday 22 March 2020

Egyptian Mona Lisa ... more than one million Monalisa

Egyptian Mona Lisa .
A mummy mask One of the princes of the royal family 18th dynasty wearing an elaborate collar and a heavy wig adorned with a lotus blossom. 
c.1550-1295 Bc.
Full front view of the mummy mask 
in the Musée Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire in Bruxelles (Belgium). 
New Kingdom, Late XVIII to XX Dynasty. 
Provenance unknown


This is the monitored basin, named after one of the most famous dermatology hospitals in Cairo.
 And the monitored basin, as stated in the book describing Egypt - composed by the scholars of the French campaign - is a pharaonic sarcophagus of black granite, which was placed by a Mamluk niche in front of the Singer al-Jawali Mosque in the Sayyida Zainab neighborhood in Cairo and the people used it to water the water .. so they filled it with water to drink passers-by from it;  Then, strong rumors circulated that those who irrigate the waters of this basin recover from diseases of love and separation, and the French experimented with the waters of this basin and were amazed at its result, so they spoke to it as the source of love .. While Cairo residents called it the monitored basin .. meaning the enchanted basin ..

 And the scholars of the French campaign stole the coffin to Paris during their exit from Egypt in 1801 with a Rosetta Stone and many other antiquities; and after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, England took these relics and placed them in the British Museum in London 

 And now it's the monitored basin in London
 In Cairo, only the name of the hospital, which was established in the same old place, remains.


Love is supported
 Because P hands are all that belongs to the body from members
 And appointed in the eye
 Because the eye is the means of the soul in the expression.  The marriage in ancient Egypt was held in the registration offices attached to the temple, and it took place in the presence of witnesses. The bridegroom said, when writing the contract, that the Lord’s gait has linked us with the bond of marriage.  I give you all your rights, peace.

Oldest Seven Cows A Bull in the hestory.

Seven Cows A Bull. Republis.
 Contained in Chapter 148 of the book Exodus of the Day. Top right to left in order.

1.  Cao whale grown order.
 Food fortress (Al Qaraten Castle, niche structure), Lady of All.
 .2.  From where did you come from STS (T)?
 Coming from the West (the world of the dead) the lady is in her place.
3.  Brother Beit Sahr Nter.
 Coming from the noble nitrile khemnes.
4.  Chen (v) bits and nit nitro.
 Sky clouds uniting nitros.
5.  Ankh spoiled that.
 United with life painted eyelashes.
6.  I saw the death of me.
 Great love red hair.
7.  Umm Rn st mmm my wish.
 Strong by her name in the West.
 The bull.
 Ka thai khanti harry ab whale dashr.
 Taurus is the pair that mediates the Red Castle.    
 (Down (oars which are a sign of the four directions.)
 1.  Sickness, a fever, a fever, a bit that erased.
 The strong, good sailor (the leader of the boat, the helm leader), the good in the northern sky.

 Protect nefer in bite yapit (T) with a young semen.
 The fine seas in the eastern sky that wanders feeding the two lands.
 3.  My fever is a bit anchored.
 The good seas in the southern sky.
 4.Protect a person that is safe.
 The good seas in the western sky.
 The photo is from the tomb of Nefertari .

The first artificial limb.

The first artificial limb known in the history of mankind ..
  Found in the foot of a mummy for a 50-year-old Egyptian woman ..
 .  Made of wood and leather is 3
 Joints attached to a foot were easy to remove and install
 And clean .

The ancient Egyptian excelled in all sciences.


 This killed an altar in which the butcher slaughtered the cow from the artery under the right shoulder, which proved the modern science that slaughtering in this way makes the animal feel no pain, and also exits all the blood of the body like it is like slaughtering by cutting the artery of the neck.
 The ancient Egyptian excelled in all sciences, even in animal medicine.
 And we see in it the butcher and has cut the right and auxiliary shoulder carrying it while the second man fetchs water and the third one helps.
 And what a wonderful anomalies made by the factors of nature and time. She slashed the wood at the belly of the sacrifice, as if she complements the picture with the Egyptian artist and helps the butcher to skin her skin.
 Dedicated to my friend Iyri Dahroug who sanctifies the work and has a very special philosophy of interpreting the ancestral mechat.

A window on the Nile.

A window on the Nile
  Philae Temple, Aswan.
 Window at the Temple of Philae, Assuan.

Grilling in ancient egypt.

  • Grilling on charcoal and the fine base will only be found by the Egyptians
  •  A colorful wooden model depicts a man in a sitting position roasting a goose over a burning coal flame
  •  The goose is attached to a stick that the man holds in his left hand
  •  While holding a fan in his right hand, it plunges it over the charcoal to keep it glowing burning inside a clay dish
  •  And the statue carved realistically showing the servant bent on his work
  •  Height 24 cm
  •  By science and action, nations live.


The able American military historian Professor "Richard Gabriel" says: "
The beginning of the study of military history and strategic thought in the world began with the Battle of Megiddo, as this battle was the first major historical battle that reaches us with all its details and events accurately." .. And in my view that greatness  The Battle of Megiddo and its immortality in the history of the political and military world is not only due to its delicate and unique strategic details or to its anticipation of the major battles of the world, but also to the greatness of its influence in the history of Egypt and the ancient Near East region, as this battle was the main reason for the emergence of the Great Egyptian Empire in  The RIAA and Canaan, which remained for five hundred years full.
 I present to you, my essay, entitled "Tuthmosis the Third and the Egyptians in Megiddo" from the website # Al Bayan Post, wishing you a pleasant reading ..

The goddess "Aphrodite" (Venus).

The western ladder leading to the roof of the Temple of the Goddess Hathor, Dandara .. Qena 
 Hathor is one of the ancient Egyptian deities.  She was worshiped in many places in Egypt and was known for her patronage of music, love, giving and motherhood, and she was compared in Greece and the Romans to the goddess "Aphrodite" (Venus)


The Book of the Dead.
 It is the oldest book whose knowledge we had finished, written down in the era of building the Great Pyramid, and a copy of it is still preserved in the British Museum.  It contains invitations to the gods, chants and prayers, then a description of the account of the souls of the dead in the afterlife, and the punishment and reward that follows.

 Archaeologists found a group of funerary prayers, most of which were written on papyrus that the ancient Egyptians put in their tombs with the deceased, so archaeologists called these prayers the name of the book of the dead, but its name that the ancient Egyptians gave it is "going out in the light of the day", and the primary purpose that  The ancient Egyptians used these prayers and prayers to guide the soul of the deceased in his journey into the next world.

 The Book of the Dead consists of 200 chapters, and the book describes the different places that the soul of the deceased passes, as well as the positions and speech that are said to guard the doors, and formulas to nullify the evil of the enemies of light and light, and the deceased had to recite a rose in which he took the personality of any god as his protector, to acquire his qualities, because he  He was afraid of evil spirits to take his mouth so that he could not speak with the gods, or steal his heart from him, or behead his head, or make him lose his way, so he had to recite these veins or spells to help him prevent evil snakes, massive flies and all kinds of disadvantages that  Seek to destroy him in the afterlife, so that he can reach  Doors which Stouselh to life again in the other world.
 Among the most famous chapters of the book of the deceased, chapter seventeen, and chapter 125, which represents the trial of the deceased in the other world, where the god Azores and with him 42 judges and a group of gods representing the weight of the deceased's heart to hold him accountable for his actions and the deceased to mention the good works that he performed.

 The ancient Egyptian scribes copied it on the papyrus and added some colored drawings to it. Too many copies were found in the tombs discovered by Egyptian archaeologists, and the German scientist Licius was the first to translate the book of the dead and publish its translation in 1842 AD

 One of the prayers says

 Peace be upon you, O greatest God, true God.  I have come to you, my God, subject to the testimony of your majesty, I have come to you, my God, deserving of the truth, abandoning falsehood, so I have not wronged anyone and I have not pursued the path of the lost, I have not broken in the right hand and the lust has not lost me, so my eyes extend to the wife of one of my womb and did not extend my hand to other money, I did not lie and I did not disobey you  And I did not seek to lead a slave to his master.  I (my God) did not give up and did not cry to anyone, and I killed and betrayed, but rather incited to kill, I did not steal from the temples their bread and did not commit immorality and did not defile anything sacred, and did not rape money forbidden and did not violate the sanctity of the dead, I did not sell wheat for the price of obscene and did not quench  Enough.  I am pure, I am pure, I am pure.  As long as you are innocent of sin, make me my God of the winners

Confronting the enemies on the journey of the other world.

Confronting the enemies on the journey of the other world
 The nominee (the underworld / stellar world) corresponds to many dangers that are always depicted in the form of fearful animals, because negative psychological and mental forces are more ugly and terrifying than the fiercest animals we know in our material world.

 And interviewing such frightening monsters in the world of tools, it is a symbol of the human face of negative thoughts and feelings that are still stuck in his stellar body, and which hinder his progress in the spirit world.

 The journey of the soul in the world of life is a journey aimed at purification, that is, liberating alba from everything that might be stuck with it from thoughts or feelings that contradict with maat (the cosmic system).

 The process of liberating and clearing Alba goes through three stages.

 The first stage: the negative thoughts and feelings of the nomadic person appear in the form of a fierce animal.

 The second stage: a confrontation occurs between the nomadic in the tools and the fierce animal that gets in its way.

 That ferocious animal tries to steal the nomadic heart in the Duat,

 He robs him of his magical powers (his spiritual knowledge) and tries to kill his soul by plucking Alba out of its spiritual roots.

 The goal of this confrontation is not to kill the forces that hinder the traveler’s path in the tools, but rather to control those hostile forces.

 The ancient Egyptians were expressing the idea of ​​domination and domination of hostile forces by the term "twisting the neck of enemies", that is, turning the head to look back instead of looking forward.

 And when that happens, that is the third and final stage of the Elba liberation process.

 The process of capturing, dominating, and converting negative energies from a ferocious animal that intercepts the path of the soul to the fibrus was the goal of the soul's journey in the dawat.

 And in this scene of the papyrus "Nakht" we see him standing in the face of three crocodiles who stand in his way and threaten to steal his magical powers and uproot his land

 From its roots in the spirit world.

 Immediately comes to mind a question about the significance of the ancient Egyptian artist's choice of this particular life to express the forces that stand in the way of man in the world of tools.

 The contemplative of the behavior of the crocodile finds that he usually lies at the bottom of the river, so that he is completely hidden from the eyes, and suddenly he attacks his prey, which was not known to exist under the surface of the water.

 Prey before she fell victim she was under the illusion that she was safe and not guided

 Any danger, because the danger lurking around it, is a risk that can be seen in the depths.

 It is these characteristics that characterize the crocodile that made the ancient Egyptians take it as a symbol of hostile forces (thoughts and feelings that do not contradict the ma'at / cosmic order)

 That interferes with the human path during his journey in the Duat.

 Those thoughts and feelings are lurking in the unconscious, just like a crocodile lying on the river bed lying in prey.

 And the exit of these hostile forces from the subconscious into consciousness is necessary in order for them to appear into existence and a person can confront them and purify the soul from them.

 The text accompanying the image of "Nakht", standing with a knife or a dagger facing the crocodile, says:

 Go back, crocodile

 Give me the way

 You will not be able to attack me

 Because I have magical powers

 Then the nomad in the dawat says that he knows the name of each of the three crocodiles, and knowing the name of the underlying enemy means revealing his truth and stripping him of his strength and then controlling him.

 And the ability to distinguish the enemy and determine his name is a symbol of the Egyptian artist with that knife or dagger that "Nakht" holds in his hand.

 This knife is a symbol of insight and supreme awareness that is not hindered by fear

 Or desire, but is stimulated by followers of Maat (truth / cosmic system).

 The text accompanying this scene concludes with these words that Nakht says:

 The sky also contains stars

 And just as the energy of the story (magic) contains everything that exists

 My mouth is also full of itchy strength

 My teeth became like flint daggers

 And molars full of poison

 O crocodile who wants to swallow spiritual powers

 You will not be able to

 You will not be able to possess spiritual powers.


wAH m Xnw (wah me khenw) “stay at home”

واح مي خينو : ابقى في المنزل 

"Quédate en casa" "Ficar em casa" "stare a casa"
"Evde kal" "Bleib zu Hause" "Reste à la maison" 
"Останься дома" "Zostań w domu" "a sta acasa"
"otthon maradni" "Ostan doma" "Остани вкъщи"
"Μένω σπίτι" "Zůstat doma" "Blijf thuis" "Tinggal di rumah"“呆在家裡” "در خانه بمان"
"Ostani doma" "อยู่บ้าน" "Quedat a casa" 
"Ostati kod kuće" "Stanna hemma" "Остани код куће"
"घर पर रहो" "Manatili sa bahay" "Qëndro në shtëpi"
"Bliv hjemme" "வீட்டிலேயே இரு" "Jäädä kotiin"
"گھر میں رہنا" "Tinggal di rumah" "Ở nhà" "Lik namuose" "집에서 숙박" "家にいる" "গৃহে থাক"

Only egypt. Begining and end.

In the beginning, Egypt was .. before the time was born and before the date,
 Here it all began ... everything: agriculture, architecture, engineering, writing and paper, government and law and order, and here before anything the conscience
was born .

King setti firest(gentel king)

Abbreviated_fast and easy_date_Egypt_Egypt
 Part IX
 (While he himself was Baha Ra, I was like the star next to him)

 This was what Prince (setti firest) was saying about his father and about himself, and he was very proud of his father (Ramses I), who had not been very much in power - almost 16 months ago - but he raised his son, Prince (setti), a strict and firm military upbringing from his young age while he was in the army like our grandfather  The emperor (Tuthmosis the Third), so that he would meet Prince (Siti), a strong man, did not have a need, and he had an invading ambition that he wanted to keep an emperor, and his father’s shield was right and heir to his throne, and he was helping him in almost every need.
 He reorganized the army and trained him to implement his plans. He launched a raid in the name of his father, Ali Kanaan, to feel the pulse in the region. He saw the world walking in there after a little rebellion and a slight haggala, so I got there and went to arrest them and came back and said about this raid:
 - I have subjugated the lands of Al-Fenjo, and expelled him - Ramesses the First - the outsiders from the land of the desert in order to protect the country for him and according to his desire - of course very clear from his words he loves his father Ed, and in the last days of Ramesses the First his health deteriorated and his son Prince (  Siti) is in power so people can get used to it and gain experience of the throne because of course he is the next king.
 After the death of the strong, loyal, diligent and diligent king (Ramesses the First), his son Prince (Siti), who was full of passion and ambition of boundaries, followed after him, and his name (Siti I) remained.
 Seti the first was married in his youth and one of his social level, her name is (Toya), the daughter of a senior commander in the Warriors Weapon named (Roya) and the first born to them was born and died when he was young, after this they succeeded the daughter of (Thea) and then he was born and named him after the name of his grandfather (  Ramses) or Ramses who will remain after that (Ramses II) 
 What is important is the first thing that (First City) is unique to the authority, and it remains a need for every need. Egypt said to you, but the opportunity has come to realize my dreams and aspirations. He had a double goal.  Payne was one of the surnames with which he was called himself, it was similar to the titles of Thutmose III and Amenhotep the Third, what do we have ...
 The first need I want to do is the first text of his goal of conquests and conquests, I want to return Syria entirely under the authority of the Egyptian kingdom like the first days of his ideals (Tuthmosis III), but the topic is difficult, normal is courageous and performed and determined to achieve its goal.
 At the time, these rulers of Canaan were immersed in internal and world conflicts and conflicts, and their devastation was pure among them, from the other like that ...  Literature, which is essentially indifferent to anyone who denies it, is enthusiastic, and desires in any war that comes to its poems
 The important thing came out to them in the army and their guide went to a harsh lesson that taught them literature, and this was recorded in his military inscriptions on the walls of the Karnak Temple in Taibah, and he wrote:
 The first year, the renaissance of the king (from Maat Ra) (Sethi I), is overflowing with life.  His Majesty was informed of the following: Al-Shusu - Bedouin enemies - are planning a revolution, and the tribal sheikhs have united on the hills of Khuru - Palestine - and there they incited chaos and riots, everyone who kills his wife, they ignore the orders of the palace.
 The news delighted the king, and now the good god - the king - has decided to start the battle and is pleased to wage his battle by himself.  Whoever escapes from their hands will be taken prisoner to Egypt.
 Oh black day !!!!  This is pure وظ
 And the Choso tribe countries originally chose very stupidly at a time that is not appropriate, in order to rebel the perpetuation of a king who originally despaired of any opportunity in which he fights and is eager for no battle in which he demonstrates his war capabilities and strength,
 Why Chosu ... !!!
 What is important is what we said our king (First City) went to inflame Shusu and took control of Canaan, after which a report arrived saying to him (the vile enemy who left the city of Homs collected a heavy army and seized the city of Beit Chan) means from the other the enemy seized the position of Egyptian guards and besieged another center.  .
 Stupid, what they do not know is that they will write about the certificates of their death in their hands, of course (City I). There is no time to think about these needs, so his response was swift and we learned from the inscriptions that
 (His Majesty directed the First Amon Squad with mighty bows to the city of Homs, the super-valiant Ra’s First Division towards the occupied city of Beit Chan, and the powerful first Awsat Squad to fight the city of Naom. Within one day they all submitted to the authority of His Majesty.)
 Of course
 It is (First setti)


Abbreviated_fast and easy_date_Egypt_Egypt
 Part Eight
 We said that the problem of Hur-Moheb was that he was not a crown prince, and there was no heir to take over after him, and this was from Ramessa's for

 what's this !!  Where are the head in the topic?  What is their luck, I don't understand?  And what income did they originally have at night ?!
 I will tell you, but take the phone and sit on my side so we can start.
 Al-Rasamah takes countries from the first sincere, and their phone is everything.
 There was in one named (Barmas) his father was in the army and when he (Barmas) grew up and stayed with him twenty years he entered the army like his father, and he was an ambitious and strong and distinguished young man with a great passion for militarism and enthusiasm that exceeds the borders and was appointed in the rank of (faction leader) like his father, and after that he was promoted  He remained (horse commander), and he fled his way open to the weapon of the chariots - the finest weapons of the army - and like we said he was ambitious and diligent, so he was promoted and remained (commander of the chariots), oppaaaaa .. I played, teacher .The man is respectful and diligent and deserves all the best, (Baramos ambition)  Hardworking and hardworking)
 What!  Why does it mean oppaaaaa and all this is !!  This is a war vehicle commander who will fight like any commander in any weapon !!!  It is okay
 It is not normal for you, come on my side again, please.
 And I will tell you that the commander in the War Vehicle Weapon remains eligible (to carry the diplomatic bag of the king). This job is what enabled (Baramas) that he delivers to the official royal court in (Menf-Al Asimah) and began working with relations with royal court officials and ministers and a little distant near the king himself -  You do not say ambitious - a man who knows Zaki and knows his way, his enthusiasm, and his diligence, that leads him to me.
 And God, you are Prince, (Barmas)
 It was not like that, but he was also appointed (the leader of his castle) on the border with Canaan. He was responsible for securing the borders with Canaan, and (Hur-Moheb) Shaif and his follower all this, and the acquaintance of the man, who works for me, and what is sincere to his job, and to Egypt, he appointed a minister for the south to ensure his loyalty.  And from the intensity of (Baramess's) loyalty to King (Hur-Moheb) and his dedication to serving the country and because (Hur-Moheb) is falsely an heir to the throne, he decided that he would appoint (Baramas) as a deputy to the King, and without doubt or his favors we can say that Barrams' integrity and sincerity and his abilities enabled him to reach for succession  (Loving Poplar)
 After a long lifetime, the great leader (Hur-Moheb) died with a generous reinforcement and swore to Budus after what the legitimate heir of the rule announced, because he was assured of the inheritance of the ruling and a new royal line represented in the sons of his deputy and heir to his throne (Baramas),
 (Barames) was crowned as king of Egypt and his name - Ramses I - remained and the new royal line began and the 19th dynasty began.
 Ramesses the First knew that his reign was the beginning of a new era and the founding of the new monarchy. Take a quick historical look at this, on the history of ancient Egypt, that he (Ahmose the First) defeated the Hyksos a great king, and he took him as an ideal and started a new glory for a new family for an ambitious and powerful king and also the Crown Prince of Haikon.  Very great in the future, and he is Prince (City) who was his father’s oath and accompaniment everywhere and was an emerging budding of a serious and serious military origin and he loved his father very much and he said to himself and his father:
  While he was Baha Ra himself, I was like the star next to him.

The sarcophagus of the so-called Habi.

 The text is in front.
 Find. Meddo, Habi’s Ma’a Khru. Find Meddo, the ugliness of Snow F.  You are innocent.  Minister Habi of (Kh).
 Say by justified Habi. Say by ugl snow.  I am from you
 Your beloved beloved, affiliated with Minister Habi of (Kh).

 Meddo, the Minister of Bash (Psich), death of Nkut Hari, ek Jis Ra (Ra Js), found that the sheep of the SNNNNNN were scared.
 Say by Ozir divided your mother Nut (the sky) above you
 (It is) next to you, she wipes you (anointed you) to unite with the net, and your enemies do not (prevent you).

 Find out.  Find out Medo In Dua Mut F. You are just a little, too. Minister Habi of (Kh).
 Say by my mother. Say by Dumut F  I am from you and your justified pet.

 Text at back.
 De Nsu, with Minister Sucre, is the Minister of Nintendo, for Rftao DF Bert
 Kheroat Hanaqat Kao Abdo (Khatt) Nab Nafr and Thab (T) The Minister of Habi who touched Bte Ert.
 A gift offered by the king to Ptah Sucre, the great minister of nitrut, the master of restaw, and offering an offering of sound from bread, beer, heads of oxen, and birds, and all (good and good) from the Ausiry, Habi, from Ibn Phet Ert.


  GOOD MORNING FROM EGYPT EGYPT READY NOW مصر مستنياك Egipto te espera Egypt is wa...