(C. 1300—1250 BC) was the great royal wife (or main wife) of Ramesses the Great. Nefertari means beautiful accompaniment and the name translates with different meanings "unparalleled beloved" or "beautiful beautiful women of the world" or it is similar to the star, that appears at the beginning of a new year [2]. Nefertari is one of the most famous Egyptian queens like Cleopatra, Nefertiti and Hatshepsut. Ramses the Great shrine of Nefertari QV66 is lavishly decorated, and it is the largest and most prominent in the Valley of the Queens.
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Wednesday, 25 March 2020
great royal wife (or main wife) of Ramesses the Great. Nefertary.
(C. 1300—1250 BC) was the great royal wife (or main wife) of Ramesses the Great. Nefertari means beautiful accompaniment and the name translates with different meanings "unparalleled beloved" or "beautiful beautiful women of the world" or it is similar to the star, that appears at the beginning of a new year [2]. Nefertari is one of the most famous Egyptian queens like Cleopatra, Nefertiti and Hatshepsut. Ramses the Great shrine of Nefertari QV66 is lavishly decorated, and it is the largest and most prominent in the Valley of the Queens.
Behind every great man, woman.
Behind every great man, woman.
Wyou enter the Egyptian Museum, on your right, and you are inside the museum, you will see this rare statue made of red granite, we find a beautiful representation of the woman standing behind the man, indicating his support and pushing him forward until he reaches what he wishes of success of the statue of Ramses II and Nefertiti beautiful beautiful.The deceived king told him his revenge against his wife.
The Story of Fear and Magicians
"The story of Khufu and the sorcerers is the first fictional sequence in the eyes of many historians, as her papyrus, known as the Westcar Papyrus, was collected in relation to Miss Westcar, and this papyrus is currently preserved in the Berlin Museum, which he bought from the possessions of PepsiCo, which was taken from her owner (Westcar) during His stay in England, and this papyrus is very similar to the series "One Thousand and One Nights, which became famous throughout the Abbasid Empire and filled with many stories.The papyrus dates back to the Twelfth Dynasty era, but the events of its stories took place during the era of the ancient state and was attributed to the era of kings who made their reputation and their effects were a testament to the greatness of their rule, and only the conclusion of the papyrus was preserved since a large part of its introduction is missing, and in this conclusion King Khufu orders Acknowledgment of the work of the king (prose of Khatt) and his charismatic chief of the apostates and the high priest who knew the sacred books, by offering sacrifices and placing them in their grave.
“The most important thing in the papyrus is the story of the (traitorous wife), in which it is said that King Khufu instructed his counselor, who stands before him, to collect for him his children who attended and stood before him, so he said to them: Which of you can tell stories from the works of magic and magicians?”
"Then Prince Khafraa, who was the second pyramid in Giza, came to his father, King Khufu, and said to him, I will tell about your majesty a miracle that took place during the reign of your father, King Neb Ka, who went to the temple of God Ptah in Memphis and was the chief priest of the deceased in it and called Oba Honor.”
"Prince Khafraa went on to recount the story of the reciting priest of the temple of the god Ptah Oba Honor, and how he was married to a young woman who loved a resident of the city and began to correspond with him through one of her servants, and how she was sending him gifts until he surrendered to her and before contacting her and attending to her."
One day, this lover told Oba Honor’s wife that her husband owned a house in a suburb that he owned on the edge of a lake, and offered to go to that house on the edge of the lake to spend time enjoying, so the wife sent to the house manager instructing him to prepare the house in preparation for her coming to spend some time, and she went The wife and her lover spent the day drinking and enjoying the evening until the sunset. When the lover came, the lover went to the lake to bathe and the wife's maid stood to serve him like all the other servants of the bathroom, and the house manager saw everything that happened.
And when the earth lit up and the second day arrived, the headmaster went to his master, the priest Oppa Honor, and told him what had happened from the wife and lover, so the priest shocked and thought a little and ordered the head of the house to bring him the box made of gold and ebony, and he was able, including inside the box, to make a crocodile of seven wax lengths A talisman recited to him and he told the crocodile to arrest anyone who bathed in his lake, and he told the house manager to put the crocodile in the lake after the lover descended to it to bathe.
"And the wife sent as usual to the house manager to prepare it, and the wife went to the house and as usual she took the lover and the maid and went to spend her day, and after they spent the day in fun and drink it was time for sunset and the lover went as usual to the lake to bathe, and the house manager implemented the order of Oba Oner and sent the crocodile made from Wax to the lake, and immediately the crocodile made of wax and the length of seven wires turned into a true crocodile length of seven arms, and he caught the lover and sank him to the bottom of the lake.
"The maid waited for the lover to go out, as usual, to serve him, but to no avail, so she returned to the wife who was amazed by the disappearance of the lover, but she thought that he might have neglected the maid and left for the city, so she returned to the city with the maid with her, and Oba Honor was at the time attached to King Nab Naba for a period Seven days, during which the lover stayed on the bottom of the lake without breathing, the headmaster went to Oba Honor and told him that he had fulfilled what he had ordered, and then Oba Honor turned to King Nab as saying .
"May Your Majesty come and see the wonderful occurrences that occurred during your Majesty's reign
"King Neb Ka wondered, and went with Oba Honor, to the lake, where the reciting priest called Oba Honor to order the crocodile, ordering him to bring the lover, so the king appeared on the surface of the water, so King Neb Ka rose from the view of the crocodile, and Opa Honor opened his hand and grabbed the crocodile and turned into his hand into a crocodile of wax again. At that point, Oba Oner told King Neb as it was the story of the wife and lover, and he asked the king to make up his mind about it.
"Then King Neb said," As for the crocodile, take it (i.e. the lover), for it is yours. Then the crocodile took the man and dived him to the lake, and no one knew about him where he went. "
“As for the wife, the king (Neb Ka) decided to take it to one of the fields north of the Governance’s headquarters, set fire to it and throw its ashes into the river.
And once Prince Khafraa finished telling his story to King Khufu, King Khufu ordered to offer a sacrifice to King Nab, which amounted to a thousand loaves of bread and a hundred pots of beer and ox and two kilns of incense, and to present to the chief recited priest Oba Honor a sacrifice of a loaf of bread and a vessel of Beer and a large piece of meat as an agent of incense.
There is no doubt that this story carries to us the extent of the ancient Egyptian’s influence of magic and magicians and the power of the word in the social construction of the ancient Egyptian. It also notes the extent to which society in ancient Egypt denounced the crime of adultery in particular and treason in general, and the rule of King Nab Ka that he issued on The wife burned and the lover was drowned, indicating that the punishment for marital treason crimes for the ancient Egyptian was a heavy punishment
Since ancient times .
Green Head .
Green Head Berlin
"The head of a statue of the highly solid diorite stone of a priest from the age of the twenty-sixth family known as the Sawi era shows the features of dignity, accuracy and rigor and was found in the valley of Hammamet""Something surprisingly serious. These pieces are fooling you just to look at them. And when the efficiency is on a fiery stone like the diorite, the same genius will be in the Berlin Museum in a special room in front of the Nefertiti room, known as
The Green Head of Berlin
'Gazelle in Ankhhor's tomb at Luxor.'
This gazelle, wearing a lotus flower around its neck, is part of the reliefs that adorn the Sun Court of the tomb of Ankhhor.Ankhhor was a high official during the reigns of Psammetichus II and Apries.26th dynasty.(664-525BC)
His tomb (TT 414) can be found in the Asasif Necropolis on the Westbank at Luxor. It is one of the so called "Tombs of the Nobles".
The charming doctor .
The charming doctor
"Modern-day people see magic as the antithesis of medicine
As for the ancient Egyptians, they combined both in one flag
We can call it anthropology, which is a more complete and comprehensive science than medicine and magic together. ”
"And we must remember first of all that the branches of modern medicine that are based exclusively on rational thinking and chemical and computational analysis train doctors to deal with the symptoms of the disease
Whatever the skill of the modern-day physician, he may stand idly before many cases that pose a challenge to modern medicine. Medicine is an art before it is a science and it involves something of magic as far as it depends on rational thinking.
"The science of Egyptian medicine is hidden behind secret symbols that only philosophers, that is, those who love and seek wisdom, are aware of. Magic is what gives medicine its effective effect."
“In ancient Egypt, the magician used to supply drugs in a scientific way, but he did not rely solely on material sciences, as a talisman must be added that gives the medicine a spirit.”
"Some of the medicines in Egyptian medicine were compounds
Or simple preparations, but most of the Egyptian medical preparations were complex, but very complicated. This complication plays an important role in attacking the evil spirits that cause disease.
If the disease resists the medicine, then this means "Set" or something else
Of the hostile cosmic powers, the path of the patient was obstructed, attacked, and lost his purity and balance.
"And here the need arises for the wizard to enter, who is the priest of the pageant, or a priest who ridiculed the trainer in treating diseases."
first T-shirt
Perhaps the image is of the oldest robe with a picture printed on it .. and it was often older than that, too. The important thing is that the idea originated in Egypt, like most things in the world.
The picture is of a long linen robe, with the picture "Nitra" free printed in the shape of a cow. The robe is approximately 3,300 years old and belongs to the family 18-19 and was found in Luxor.
Also, contemporary t-shirts .. Hanaky under the picture writing. The writing indicates the lady who made the garment or was made for it. Free photo. Free to wear associated with resurrection after death.
The Queen Neferrtari.
The Queen Neferrtari
is in Queens in Luxor .. I discovered in 1904. Queen Nefertari is beautiful
beautiful and most charming and attractive, and the most beautiful and love in the heart of her husband Its full name is Nefertari Merit Death. "Nefertari is aware of the death. Their name is known as the months, "Nefertari", "their" Ahlabah ", or" Halawa'a "in the Egyptiano ...
Colors and the ancients.
Colors and the ancients.
Blue Egyptian is the oldest industrial dye known to mankind and has exceptional properties that allow scientists to restore the past as well as shape the technology of the future
And today we scientists are using the old blue powder to make new nano materials 100,000 times thinner than human hair.
The tribes of Mashoush.
The tribes of Mashoush
or Maa were one of the Bedouin tribes based on fishing and migration and their economy on the makathi, sheep and the life of grazing. During the era of Al-Ra'msa, Egypt fought war against the mashash, since the Libyan tribes became a danger During Murnah, and Egypt faced unexpected invasion on the West Delta border of the Libyan tribes and their seabies, in the fifth year of the Pharaoh, the tribes of Mashoush were among the libyan tribes in this invasion A morner said through the texts of the Libyan war on the walls of the Karnak Temple and through his famous victories plate (known as the Panel of Israel) that the Libo tribe was the main force in the leadership of the war against Egyptians, and that the tribes of Maashoush and the peoples of the sea were It also mentioned a mentor in its texts that 100.9 Siva from the mashash had been grabbed following the battle. Twenty-five years after the Libyan War, Murnaha, and during the reign of King Ramses III, the conflict between Egyptians and Libyans returned to the head of his head on a heavily terrible Egypt. During this era, Mashoush tribes became the actual commander of Libyan tribes in the warplanes of pharaohs against them in fifth year and 11th year of his reign, which enable critical victories and mentioned In the wake of these critical victories achieved by Ramses III on Libyans, he placed a large number of prisoners of veterans in Central Egypt's military camps and began in the process of resettlement in Egyptian territory and unknowingly One of the texts of the third transition, said at least five fortresses in the Ihanassia area in Central Egypt, and it is likely that the fortresses were established by Ramses III. Over time and with the consolidation and integration of them .
Tomb of Inherkha. New Kingdom .
Ahmose-Nefertari of Ancient Egypt was the first queen of the 18th Dynasty. She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao and Ahhotep I, and royal sister and the great royal wife of Ahmose I. She was the mother of king Amenhotep
Painting from a tomb featuring the deified queen Ahmose-Nefertari. From Deir el-Medine, tomb TT 359 : Tomb of Inherkha. New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, 1186-1070 BCE. Currently in Neues Museum, in Berlin. ÄM 2060.
priest (Choteppe)
This is the zakat of the priest (Choteppe), who put his statue of the soul in the table of offerings, which completely guarantees his soul to enjoy these symbolic offerings in the other world.
This situation is not usual in the Egyptian civilization, so the offerings table was always placed in front of the statue, or the offerings were placed on the delusional door in the ancient families.
However, the pilgrim (Si Hattaib) put himself on the table, which means to say to his soul, he does not have a pilgrimage, and I am a guarantor so that the enjoyment of the offerings in the cemetery does not go far, and if you go, go back.
Peace be upon you, O Chotep.
King (First City) was in kind to offer ritual praise for his father (Amon) when he came to tell him that the enemies of the country (Iram) in Nubia are planning to carry out a
His Majesty turned towards the speakers to listen to what they say, then he looked at the princes, the elders and the friends accompanying him, saying: If it occurred to the minds of the bad men in the land of Irem to attack the borders of Egypt in the time of my majesty, then Abi Amun Ra is the one who will destroy them with my sword. She expelled another country that wanted to do the same thing and crush it.
Then the first city order was to kill all of them and rose up and advanced at the head of the army and with him the weapon of pedestrians and vehicles and the army of Egypt reached its fortress (sage) and on the thirteenth day of the third month of the germination season the forces gathered in the face of the enemy and the battle took place seven days Continuing, and at the dawn of the seventh day, no one left from the enemy, and Siti had arrived in the Egyptian forces to what was reached by Jeddah, Thutmose III at the fourth cataract of the Nile.
In the custody of Egypt, Egypt had recovered its Asian lands to the Orontes River, and peace was secured at the western borders, and the prestige of the Egyptian kings reappeared at the hands of Seti the First and ordered the establishment of a border board at Al-Jandal to be a witness to the bone and raised the station and to inform the Sudanese traveling across the Nile that no From now on, anyone can deny Egypt's capabilities and strength.
The first city of his rule, as usual, the warrior kings of Egypt used to carry out his war campaigns in drought or germination seasons, and he did not carry out his campaigns in the season of plowing and sowing that required the hands of a heavy worker.
The Egyptians were called the first city (Habib al-Qamh and the master of bread) because he devoted the last years of his rule to investing his properties to guarantee Egypt more goods and resources, and after prosperity prevailed, Egypt will live until the end of the era of a quiet life depending on the vast resources of the Egyptian Empire.
It follows with the crown prince who will become Ramesses the Great who baffled the world to our time .
Hatshepsut strong woman in the world.
Story of queens to rise to the throne of Egypt
She is the most famous and powerful of the queens in history and the fifth king of the eighteenth dynasty▪️ His son, the great king, Thutmose I
▪️ Her mother, the mother Ahmose
She married her illegitimate brother, King Thutmose II
Hatshepsut, whose original name is Gunmat Amun Hatshepsut, meaning his friend Amun, is a favorite of women
▪️ Ruled from the period 1482 BC: 1503 BC
The country has prospered economically and politically
Her reign was marked by strength, prosperity, peace, the strength of the army, construction, and excursions
In her first rule, she unofficially ruled any of the behind the scenes, so she faced many problems
And imitated the men and put the nickname chin
Hatshepsut left a great mystery to us, the engineer Sinnemoot who built her famous temple in Deir el-Bahari
She gave him 80 titles and was responsible for raising her daughter Nefroa Ra and digging a tunnel between his tomb and her tomb.
She ruled for 20 years
She died January 14, 1457 BC during the 22nd year of her rule.
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