Egypt came first, then history and civilization came. Egypt has one of the world's seven wonders of the pyramids. The Virgin Mary came to protect herself and her son. Egypt is the safest destination for tourism. My goal is to help foreigners learn my country’s history, come to Egypt, whatever your budget, and I will be your guide at no additional cost to you. booking with us. The goal is to service booking tours to Egypt. the best Nile cruise in Egypt.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Lintel of Amenemhat I and Deities ca. Middle Kingdom.
Silver Jug with a Golden Goat Handle.
This jug looks like a pomegranate with a golden handle in the shape of a goat. The goat’s legs give the impression of movement. Around the jug is a decoration of hearts, perhaps as a sign of protection. After the hearts, there are hieroglyphic texts that may be magical spells for drinking or to purify the contents of the jug. It is inscribed for the “first royal cupbearer” and “envoy to all foreign countries” Atumemtaneb.
From Tell-Basta (Bubastis). The New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, reign of Ramesses II, ca. 1279-1213 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Head of Queen Hatshepsut.
Queen Hatshepsut is the most famous female ruler of ancient Egypt. This head, which is one of the masterpieces of 18th Dynasty sculpture, is part of a statue that once represented the queen in the shape of the god Osiris.
The head, made out of painted limestone, bears all her distinctive feminine features: the gently curved eyebrows, the wide eyes extended by cosmetic lines, the delicate aquiline nose, the full cheeks, and the gracious mouth.
The New Kingdom, mid 18th Dynasty, reign of Hatshepsut, ca. 1479-1458 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I.
When it was found among the mummy’s hair, this gold armlet of Ahhotep I was thought to be a crown. Because of its diameter, however, it is certain that it was to be worn around the arm for protection.
It is inlaid with lapis lazuli and carnelian and decorated with vulture of gold and inlays bearing the names of Ahmose I.
Second Intermediate Period, 17th Dynasty, ca. 1560-1530 BC. From Dra’ Abu el-Naga’, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
The Outstanding Story of Osiris: His Myth, Symbols, and Significance in Ancient Egypt.
Osiris, the green-skinned god of the underworld, lord of the afterlife and judge of the dead, is one of the best-known gods from ancient Egypt. His story provided his followers with reassurance for life after death, that the Nile would keep their lands fertile, and was an inspiration for what a king should be.
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