In one of the texts of the Edfu temple, the two edifices at the entrance to the temple are the symbol of Isis and Nephthys, the sister of Osiris, who played a major role in his resurrection again, and in his arrival to eternity ... As for the single entrance to the temple, it is the symbol of the one origin from which everything emerged from the oneness that They rise above the poles, from which all the poles emerge.
The moment of entry into the Egyptian temple is considered a symbol of a contemplative ritual that transports the person from the physical awareness based on the interaction between the poles (male / female .... night / day ..... light / darkness, etc.) to another higher awareness, and takes his hand to The mihrab or the most sacred sanctuary in which the unity of the universe and God manifests itself ... the temple is the place where the human consciousness transcends all forms of duality and division ... and the ancient Egyptian body has its spiritual knowledge in the architectural design of the temple so that the temple itself becomes the science itself embodied in the stone .