Wednesday 25 March 2020

The charming doctor .

The charming doctor
 "Modern-day people see magic as the antithesis of medicine
 As for the ancient Egyptians, they combined both in one flag
 We can call it anthropology, which is a more complete and comprehensive science than medicine and magic together. ”
 "And we must remember first of all that the branches of modern medicine that are based exclusively on rational thinking and chemical and computational analysis train doctors to deal with the symptoms of the disease
 Whatever the skill of the modern-day physician, he may stand idly before many cases that pose a challenge to modern medicine. Medicine is an art before it is a science and it involves something of magic as far as it depends on rational thinking.
 "The science of Egyptian medicine is hidden behind secret symbols that only philosophers, that is, those who love and seek wisdom, are aware of. Magic is what gives medicine its effective effect."
 “In ancient Egypt, the magician used to supply drugs in a scientific way, but he did not rely solely on material sciences, as a talisman must be added that gives the medicine a spirit.”
 "Some of the medicines in Egyptian medicine were compounds
 Or simple preparations, but most of the Egyptian medical preparations were complex, but very complicated. This complication plays an important role in attacking the evil spirits that cause disease.
  If the disease resists the medicine, then this means "Set" or something else
 Of the hostile cosmic powers, the path of the patient was obstructed, attacked, and lost his purity and balance. 
 "And here the need arises for the wizard to enter, who is the priest of the pageant, or a priest who ridiculed the trainer in treating diseases."


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