After the expulsion of the Hyksos, the king built Ahmose cemetery and pyramid for him and his grandmother, "Tetishri", and his wife, Queen, "Ahmose-Nefertari," south of the temple of Seti III. Until the reign of King Amenhotep the Third, the tomb of JarWas considered the tomb of Osiris.
During the modern state and during the nineteenth Egyptian family, the important buildings in Abydos return to Sety I and Ramses II, where two major temples, the “Funerary Temple of Sety I” and the “Ramses II Temple in Abydos”, did so.
The first Seti Temple is still in good condition: It consists of two courtyards leading to the temple building, which has a facade with two pillars and leads to two halls with columns. Then comes on a slightly raised platform, a seven-room matrix containing the gods of Abydos, who are: Osiris, Isis, and Horus (their son), Amon Ra, Ra-Horakhti, and Ptah, and the rest of the rooms are for King I. And religious rituals take place in the square adjacent to the temple of Osiris. I also found the list of Abydos kings in a building located in the southern part of the temple. A potential tomb of the king is located behind this temple in the form of "Osiris Cemetery" also known as "Osirion".
Abydos also retained its privileged position during the late era. In it, great tombs were built for large figures during the late period until the fifth family, and some members of the royal Cushite family were buried there.