This letter of a governor of a city of the Syrian-Palestinian coast, written in cuneiform Akkadian (the diplomatic language of the time) shows the development of the Levantine territory for the pharaoh.
Biridiya to Pharaoh
Thus it is written, "Tell my lord the king and my sun. Message from Biridiya, the loyal servant of the king. I fall at the feet of the king, my lord and sun seven times and seven times. That my lord the king takes care of his servant and his city. Actually, I alone grow... ah-RI-Shu in Shunamma and I alone provided men of drudgery. But see mayors who are close to me. They do not grow in Shunamma they do not provide the men of drudgery. I alone in-hu-of-a-nor myself I provide men of drudgery. I alone in-hu-du-un-ni myself I provide men of drudgery. They come from Jaffa among men that are available and from Nuribad. And that my lord the king has to worry about his city. "