Wednesday 25 March 2020


                   GOD AMON

 King (First City) was in kind to offer ritual praise for his father (Amon) when he came to tell him that the enemies of the country (Iram) in Nubia are planning to carry out a 

 His Majesty turned towards the speakers to listen to what they say, then he looked at the princes, the elders and the friends accompanying him, saying: If it occurred to the minds of the bad men in the land of Irem to attack the borders of Egypt in the time of my majesty, then Abi Amun Ra is the one who will destroy them with my sword.  She expelled another country that wanted to do the same thing and crush it.

 Then the first city order was to kill all of them and rose up and advanced at the head of the army and with him the weapon of pedestrians and vehicles and the army of Egypt reached its fortress (sage) and on the thirteenth day of the third month of the germination season the forces gathered in the face of the enemy and the battle took place seven days  Continuing, and at the dawn of the seventh day, no one left from the enemy, and Siti had arrived in the Egyptian forces to what was reached by Jeddah, Thutmose III at the fourth cataract of the Nile.

 In the custody of Egypt, Egypt had recovered its Asian lands to the Orontes River, and peace was secured at the western borders, and the prestige of the Egyptian kings reappeared at the hands of Seti the First and ordered the establishment of a border board at Al-Jandal to be a witness to the bone and raised the station and to inform the Sudanese traveling across the Nile that no  From now on, anyone can deny Egypt's capabilities and strength.
 The first city of his rule, as usual, the warrior kings of Egypt used to carry out his war campaigns in drought or germination seasons, and he did not carry out his campaigns in the season of plowing and sowing that required the hands of a heavy worker.

 The Egyptians were called the first city (Habib al-Qamh and the master of bread) because he devoted the last years of his rule to investing his properties to guarantee Egypt more goods and resources, and after prosperity prevailed, Egypt will live until the end of the era of a quiet life depending on the vast resources of the Egyptian Empire.
 It follows with the crown prince who will become Ramesses the Great who baffled the world to our time .


  GOOD MORNING FROM EGYPT EGYPT READY NOW مصر مستنياك Egipto te espera Egypt is wa...