Sunday 26 April 2020

This beautiful limestone naos .

This beautiful limestone naos

A naos is a shrine in which a sculptural divine image would have been placed. This beautiful limestone naos now lacks its sculptural occupant but retains text that commemorates the dedicant's name, occupation, and genealogy. The hieroglyphs carved into the frame of the naos visually and spiritually linking the dedicated to the sculptural figure within the state that the naos belonged to Petenbimaou, son of Psamtek and Tagemiraset. The text tells us that Petenbimaou held the title of "Chief of the West", which was most likely a military post. The text also records his father's titles-Prophet of Osiris and Prophet of the Statues of the King Apries. This mention of King Apries has enabled scholars to date the naos to the later years of the Senate Period.

Such meticulous mention of the names and titles of Petenbimaou's father may seem strange at first. However, Egyptians believed that as long as an individuals name remained, so too their vitality in the afterlife. When a person spoke or read a name, the Egyptians believed it functioned as a sort of prayer to help sustain the dead. Therefore, Petenbimaou not only gave respect to his parents by including their names on his naos but also ensured their existence in the next life.


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